Bondage partner wanted

How does it work?

You simply enter your ad and save it. As second step you can finalize it by adding optional photos of you and/or your work. When you are satisfied, you can submit it for publication. Note that you will need to confirm your email if you did not publish any ad with that one yet. We need to do that to avoid spam and to ensure the email address is valid.

Once published, other people see your add and can directly contact you via contact form. You will get an email then which includes the senders text and from there on you can directly email this person back. This site is then out of the picture

You can always manually remove the ad, e.g. once you found who you were looking for. It will otherwise automatically disappear after the event is over.

Why does it require an event?

As explained we want to support the events and people that would like to attend those. This can be a bondage workshop, photography focused events or other events that require partner participation. A workshop for someone that can then only watch is not as helpful as if you can actively practice it on someone.

So currently we accept only ads for specific group events with date and location. If there is a demand for it, we can think about extending the service to partner searches by "region" or cities in general. But this is not a dating service, thus the focus on those group events and the "tying" or "photography" aspect.

Why do we offer this (for free)?

There are many beautiful events by awesome and inspiring people, and sometimes you just don't know anyone that you could participate with. Some of those events require a partner to make sense, and if your partner for some reason gets sick or can't come, it would be quite sad if you then could not join because of this.

We know that some platforms and social networks internally offer a partially working solution here as forum or group discussion. But you would need to know about that and have to be signed in to participate. Making this easier helps in finding a partner. That is why so we offer this very simple and open system as lightweight approach to solve this demand. We also group by upcoming events by default and plan to support "last minute" searches in the near future for exactly those spontaneous changes that might become necessary.

You can always support us and our work by donating. This will be used to further improve our (online) services and work. Providing all the technical necessities does indeed cost us a little bit.

Technical implementation details

We decided against a login and signup process for simplicity. We would then need to manage users, and maybe even provide a messaging system to internally communicate. Maybe in the future we can rediscuss this. Right now only a valid email address (which we will never display) is required. The discussion is happening in your mailbox afterwards.

We do not allow Google or alike to index the contact ads for privacy reasons, especially if pictures are uploaded along with the name and description. The information is publicly accessible, but we don't want it to be searched outside of our service - or even stored in search provider's data storages persistently.

Read about the planned ToDos and if you can code, please join in and help out!

Terms of service

You need to accept the following terms if you want to participate in finding a partner with our service:
  • Any additional contact information beyond the email (which will only be visible once you answered someone) you provide publicly you do at your own risk (phone numbers and alike).
  • This is not a dating service. Please keep that in mind, as the other person will most likely expect professional and non-sexual approach/behavior.
  • Any published picture must be showing either you (clothed or just portrait) or your work. For the latter permission to publish must be given.
  • Please be honest in the details you provide.

Have fun!
And spread the word :-)